Due to the large area that we hunt and the rapid weather changes we can experience, the Bijou Springs Hunt requires that guests be accompanied by a BSH sponsor who is responsible for the conduct and the safety of the guest. The only exception to this policy is during one of our guest days. We do this to insure the safety of non-members and their enjoyment of our sport. The sponsor should also keep the prospective guest informed of weather-related cancellations or changes in the fixture the guest plans to attend.
Foxhunting is a high-risk sport and even experienced riders who feel their horses are fit may find the hunt is beyond their capability or that of their mount or the speed is uncomfortable. In this case the sponsor must accompany the guest back to the trailers.
Please arrive in ample time to groom and tack up your horse, meet your staff, and attend to signing the required release before the hunt begins. Click here to download a release form.
Here are some useful articles for foxhunters to read:
Just click to bring up and read or print out.

Guests are required to pay the capping fee ($50) as set by the Hunt. First-time guests must pay a one-time insurance fee ($25) unless they are a member of another hunt which carries MFHA insurance. During guest hunts, the capping fee will not apply but the insurance fee must still be paid by first-time guests or other guests who have not hunted with us during the current hunt year. You may only hunt as a guest three times before being expected to apply for membership. All capping fees count toward your dues. For more information on membership, please contact our Honorary Secretary or our Master.
Our Master is: Rohn Mitchell, email: huntfieldmaster@yahoo.com
Hon. Secretary: Judi Tobias, email: shortdog05@msn.com